The Missing Tourist

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Tourist (Who Wasn’t Actually Missing)

In the annals of human stupidity, this tale takes the cake. Or rather, it takes the “I’m right here, you dolts!” flag, waving it wildly for all to see.

Picture this: It’s 2012, and our intrepid heroine has embarked on a thrilling tour of Iceland’s southern volcanic region, specifically the breathtaking Eidgja Canyon in Iceland. She arrives, steps off the bus, and prepares for an adventure. But when the bus rolls out, our lady has vanished into thin air! The driver waits a whole hour (because who hasn’t lost track of time when there’s scenery this stunning?) before hitting the panic button.

Cue the authorities! They launch a full-blown search and rescue mission, scouring the hillsides high and low for a 5’2″ Asian woman in dark clothing. They’re like bloodhounds on the scent… of utter confusion.

The hour’s tick by, and just as they’re about to call in the drones and Saint Bernards, the “missing” woman strolls up, all “Uh, what’s the big idea?”. Turns out she’d changed clothes, and in the most epic fail of all time, joined the search party for herself!

The bus driver’s all “Oh, THAT’S where you were!” and everyone’s left scratching their heads. Was it a cunning ploy for attention? A test of the Icelandic emergency services? Or is it just a bad case of “I forgot what I was wearing”?

Either way, if we were a passenger on that bus, we’d be demanding a refund and a stiff drink because that’s a kind of comedy you can’t script!