Big Foot or?

In the wilds of Montana, a man with a questionable understanding of cryptozoology mistook another human for the elusive Sasquatch and opened fire. Because, you know, that’s what you dowhen you spot Bigfoot – or so this guy thought. In reality, his target (who, thankfully, didn’t become one) was just some dude setting up shooting ranges in the woods. Because priorities.

The intended victim, realizing he wasn’t about to become a mythological creature’s lunch, did what any sane person would do – he ran for his life through the trees, praying to avoid becoming Swiss cheese. Meanwhile, the would-be Bigfoot hunter casually explained to the fleeing man that he only shoots at things that resemble a giant, hairy ape. You know, for sport. Totally normal.

Miraculously, the victim survived, but his brush with death left him shaken and unable to provide authorities with a license plate or detailed description of the Sasquatch wannabe. But don’t worry, the police are on the case, determined to track down this… unique individual.

Still, I have my doubts about this tale. Revenge shooting, perhaps? And seriously, how big IS this victim?! Was he wearing a fur coat and wandering on all fours?! Inquiring minds want to know.