Funeral Crasher

Blair Rebecca Whitten, a 28-year-old with an apparent flair for the dramatic and a complete lack of class, decided that the best way to handle her ex-boyfriend’s passing was to trash talk him online. Because, you know, that’s not something that’s going to make his family want to invite you over for a nice cup of tea and a chat about old times.

So, of course, they told her to stay far, far away from the funeral. Like, don’t even think about showing up. But Blaire was all, “Oh, I do what I want!” And what she wanted was to make a scene at a cemetery in Fargo, North Dakota.

Picture this: a funeral, people mourning and trying to say their goodbyes… and then, out of nowhere, an SUV comes careening around the corner, driving like it’s in a bad action movie. That’s our girl Blaire. The family asks her to leave, because, you know, this is not the time or the place for your dramatics.

But does Blaire put the car in reverse and slink away with her tail between her legs? Nope. Instead, she hits the gas and drives right through the funeral. Like, right through it. Over graves, mourners scattering… it’s a miracle no one was hurt.

So, to recap: this is a woman who couldn’t resist the urge to trash talk her ex online, crashed his funeral, and then drove her car over graves. And yet, somehow, she managed to not actually physically harm anyone. What a complete loss of common sense.